/manager/Index en-au 5 Investigating the diets and condition of Centrostephanus rodgersii (long-spined urchin) in barrens and macroalgae habitats in south-eastern Australia /manager/Repository/uon:55228 470 km of SE NSW coastline. Diverse items were present in the digestive tracts of urchins from all habitats. These items included brown (42% barrens, 46% macroalgae), green (28% barrens, 42% macroalgae) and red algae (15% barrens, 12% macroalgae) and corallines (29% barrens, 37% macroalgae), molluscs (28% barrens, 29% macroalgae) and crustaceans (26% barrens, 22% macroalgae). There was no difference in urchin gut fullness between habitats (85% barrens, 90% macroalgae). Importantly, the gonad index only differed in macroalgae compared to barrens habitats at one location, with no differences detected at the other 4 locations. These results suggest that C. rodgersii has a diverse diet that is similar in both habitats, which could explain the similarities in gut fullness and gonad index. Our results suggest that C. rodgersii eat a broad diet including invertebrates and drift algae, and hence may not be malnourished in barrens. The finding of comparable gonad index between barrens and macroalgal areas further supports this conclusion. These findings challenge the prevailing perspective, indicating that sea urchins have sufficient food to survive and reproduce in different habitats.]]> Wed 01 May 2024 15:33:18 AEST ]]> Bioaccumulation of perfluoroalkyl substances in exploited fish and crustaceans: spatial trends across two estuarine systems /manager/Repository/uon:37663 Tue 09 Mar 2021 18:06:03 AEDT ]]> Coexisting with sharks: a novel, socially acceptable and non-lethal shark mitigation approach /manager/Repository/uon:38826 Mon 14 Feb 2022 15:24:37 AEDT ]]> Diving into the diet of provisioned smooth stingrays using stable isotope analysis /manager/Repository/uon:51569 Mon 11 Sep 2023 14:22:22 AEST ]]>